Changes to Scheduling Appointments at the Local USCIS Denver Field Office
May 2019
In the past, if you needed to schedule an appointment to speak with someone at the local Denver USCIS Field Office, you could go online and schedule an “InfoPass” appointment. However, anyone who has ever attempted to schedule an Infopass appointment knows the frustration of never being lucky enough to go online when an appointment was available.
As part of a new initiative, anyone who wants an appointment with the USCIS Denver Field Office will no longer be able to schedule it online via the old InfoPass system. Now, to schedule an appointment, the public must call the USCIS 1 (800) number and be screened by a representative first. Only if the representative believes there is a sufficient reason for scheduling the appointment will the representative escalate the case so that an appointment can be made.
If the situation meets USCIS’ criteria for obtaining an in-person appointment, then the representative will transfer the requestor to the next level of inquiry, Tier 2, where a second representative will call back the applicant in 24 to 48 hours to assist in scheduling a convenient appointment time.
One has to wonder whether this new initiative will actually increase transparency and efficiency. Last year, the Denver USCIS Field Office discontinued the use of a dedicated attorney email which attorneys used to resolve issues that came up as part of representation. Now, the USCIS Denver Field Office may become even more of a proverbial “black hole” of a mailroom.